Serving Size: 12
For dressing, purée first 5 ingredients in blender. Let stand 15 minutes to 1 hour. Strain mixture into a small bowl, pressing out as much liquid as possible, discard solids. Add sweet chili sauce, mix well. Set aside.
For Lamb-Asparagus Filling, season lamb with salt and pepper. In large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon sesame oil over medium heat. Add seasoned ground lamb, and sauté until heated through. Drain fat, and remove lamb to mixing bowl; set aside.
Heat remaining 1 tablespoon sesame oil in same pan. Add asparagus and red pepper; sauté until tender. Turn into bowl with lamb. Reserve 1/4 cup and add remaining dressing to bowl with lamb; mix well.
To serve, divide lamb mixture among lettuce cups; arrange on serving platter. Serve at room temperature with any remaining dressing.